Sunday, March 18, 2007

"Young green hand"

I love the Chinese language, it is very descriptive and sometimes very visual, and here are a few recent words I learned, all with the theme "hand", but all with different meanings.

At the tennis court:
Forehand: 正手
Backhand: 反手

At the bar:
The other day, we were at TGI Friday's and a rookie barman was juggling cocktails and mixing drinks to lively music. He was very bad at it, with bottles dropping, drink spilling, but the guy kept a smile on his face all along. My Chinese colleague turned to me and, pointing with discontent at the young barman, said: "小绿手(read:xiao lvshou)". It literally means: "young green hand" and it is used to describe a beginner, a newbie, a rookie.

:) I guess I am a "xiao lvshou" at blogging too, but enjoying it immensely!